Friday, February 28, 2020

Bioethics Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Bioethics - Dissertation Example The main debate centres on whether and how bioethics should influence public policies to influence the some of the recent researches taking place in the arena of biotechnological sciences. Various groups see risks in these new scientific processes, their perceptions varying depending on their cultural, religious, and scientific background, governmental policies, and various other factors. The human genome project is one such area of study that has caused great concerns amongst the various social, religious, and scientific circles. The various social, legal, and ethical, implications of the new researches on the subject of human genetics have raised questions on the appropriateness of continuing in the future with such researches. This paper will explore the links between bioethics and the human genome project, and will study to find the appropriateness of this project in terms of ethical, moral, and religious values. Bioethics and the appropriateness of the human genome project 1 Met hodology All forms of undertaken research work consist of a fixed procedure, made up of a series of varying queries on the selected theme, that are systematic in nature. These systematic enquires enable the research scholar, to imbibe new knowledge on that particular theme. This thesis paper will comprise of both primary and secondary work, though the primary nature of the research work carried out in this paper is secondary research. Secondary research work generally tends to create a broader perspective for the concerned researcher to study and collect a large number of required data from various resources. The research process methodology as followed for this paper is based on the outline given by Graziano & Raulin, in their paper. Personal experience other’s research Initial idea procedures design study analysis Communication Interpretation Stimulating Others Research Fig: 3- Research process methodology by Graziano & Raulin, 2009, 40. The research paper is qualitative in nature and also uses an inductive and analytical method, which would make it easier for the researcher to come to a conclusion from various collected pieces of facts and evidences Summarily, this research process will consist of first locating all the relevant data and then studying and analyzing all the available data on this topic; then critical assumptions will be made from the gathered data; while, further supporting material will be collected to provide supporting evidence for all the opinions expressed and conclusions derived. 2 Discussion/analysis â€Å"It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism for the genetic material† ~ Watson & Crick (1953) The advancement in medical sciences, biology, and technology, has brought about new procedures and developments that potentially have the capability of being both beneficial and harmful, to the living world. Bioethics as a subject is primarily con cerned with the various debates and controversies

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Development of the Italian Opera in the 19th Century Essay

The Development of the Italian Opera in the 19th Century - Essay Example Operas origin is said to have been the celebrations which combined enormous fireworks, beautiful stage decorations, music, singing and dancing.1 These occasions occurring frequently in royal weddings and during festivities started to work themselves around specific themes by the beginning of the 16th century. Jacapo Peri, Monteverde, Francesco Cavalli and many other doyens appeared during this period. Francesco Cavallis works were the first to be termed under the name Opera. Carissimi, Scarlatti, and Handel took Cavallis name forward. By the end of the 18th century symphony and orchestra giving prominent importance to music grew enormously, pushing back the popularity of the Opera. Rossini - the retriever of the Opera sprung to action to bring back this dwindling art from to its previous glory in the 19th century. He was followed by Donizetti, Bellini, Puccini and the ever famous Verdi who is hailed as the major mastermind of the contemporary Opera. Voice was the ruler of any orchestra in the Opera’s during the early 19th century. Polyphonic writings started to lose their grip during this time. Voice clarity and simple language expressing direct views started to matter. Rossini, Donizetti, and Bellini were the three stars of the arias. Flawless phrases and singers with highly toned voices capable of singing in very high notes started to emerge. Cabaletta or rapid precision singing started gaining popularity. The operas of the early 18th century had two main sections the Bel Canto and the Cabaletta.2 Highly prerogative stories insisting patriotism or pious lifestyle started to give way to modern day realistic stories and romantic stories. Humor started to gain major attention in the opera stages. The first half of the 19th century saw the peak of the Bel Canto style.